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lets grow old together

/ Friday, February 27, 2009 /
this is one of the many things that i dreamed of. im a dreamer, i've told you kan? anywhoo, today when kak ain came to my room because she gotta shelter here since its like a raining blizzard outside. so, she wanted my opinion on her layout plan themed Venice since she and puan lina have different views on how her venice restaurant should look like.

as we went searching more about venice images, lalalala... and idk how, we begin searching for these pictures. little do i know, kak ain's interest is soooo similar like mine. we both LOVE old folks. hehe. im sure after looking at these pictures, you'll be dreaming just about the same, and you'll know what im going through by looking at these pictures. emotional? memang sangattt kot. haha


lying on the beach is a must for me.
what a great way to fill your old days.

this guy looks so garang but yet very
cute when he holds on to her woman.

and vacation is still a must-haves
even when you're old. ahhh.


i dont know what about old people that i love so
much. maybe the grey hair? or maybe
they're just so cute in whatever they do? idk.

this one run around together
holding hands pulak, alahaiii.

dont you think this is the sweetest things?
going stroll together, HOLDING HANDS,
eat ice-cream pulak lagiiii? sumpah comel.


oh so cuteeee!

young couples in love are sweet but when you're old and grey, but your love is still going strong and strong day by day, that's just amazing, sweet and at the same time, VERY CUTE!

oh how i wish i'll get one like this who'll love me tenderly and stay hopelessly devoted to each other till the end of our lives.

have i ever.

/ Saturday, February 14, 2009 /
Have you ever dreamed of your perfect date? Not the person of course, as the person already is your perfect match cos you wouldn’t be needing this perfect date if the person isn’t there. haha get what I mean? tak kisah laa

Anywayss, after i watched The Notebook again, I just realized this scene where Noah & Allie went to this one beauuuuutiful lake, with millionsss of duckies (or maybe swans, idk) swim around the lake being as kepoh as they always be, not caring about anything else. They are the toppings of the lake, and the center attention is on Noah & Allie of course.

I don’t about you, but for taking me to a place so beautiful that cant be explain through words, that’s more than enough for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th date. You can just bring me here so you dont have to brainstorm for cool new places to bring me each time we're going out when you know i’ll get excited every (single) time we went to this place. Cehh, WE konon. Haha.

Im hopelessly romantic, so? I've put up a few snapshots from the movie so you’ll get the idea of what I’ve been babbling about just now. You’re sooo gonna love it, and I sooo know you’ll want this from your boyf. So boyfriends, why not, do something new, extra-ordinary, for your loved ones, once in a while. Trust me, the girl gonna love every single effort you put in making the day special for just the both of you, and I know you’ll enjoy as much. Who needs Valentines when you have 365days to celebrate your love.

the big 14

/ Tuesday, February 10, 2009 /
yeah, times past at a blink at an eye. i dont likee la balik sekejap neee. ok so, i just got back to uitm. and u know what i missed? we missed the 8.30pm bus anddd i missed to celebrate my dear adik's birthday. she's 14 now everybody. and got herself her very own IC some more, haha, but i missed the birthday. sheeeeep. anywhoooo, i'll get your pressie later2 la. u know our deal kan dik. hahaha

happy 14th birthday adikk.
i may not treat you like i treat kakngah,
but i do love you dearly.
you know u'll always have me by your side
and you can tell me all your hearts want
&& please be at your best behaviour,
i know i can count on you.
may you have the best birthday this year,
but i know you wont cos im not there, hahaha

baby im back.

/ Monday, February 9, 2009 /
I'M friggin HOME, PEOPLE! 

oh, finally. after a month away from home, this is really what i need. and coming back home is not a mistake this time, as i had heeeeaps of fun laze around the house while watching 123456789 backstreet cats lepaking around the house, plus the cat of the house run around being cute, and shop (ohh we got vintage dress, lots!) and eat, and went to see atuk and nenek.

yeah, a rather fulfilling weekends. oh. how i wish coming back will always be this relaxing. 

anyhow, i havent do my case study yet, and im going back uitm tomorrow. heheeee, niceeee tak? haha xpe, im going to nandos tomorrow, to meet all the people i used to work with before. tak sabarnyeeee

ttyl people.

Growing Jewelry

/ Friday, February 6, 2009 /
the title kinda speaks for itself.i've found this website about this product designer, Hafsteinn Juliusson on his new invention which i really adoreee. and i personally think that this is his best work so far.

marrying fine jewelry and gardening; couture and organism, that's pure genius. and if i were to have one, i'll look for one that will grow pretty pretty flowers. haha. can you imagine? flowers u can carry everywhere with you without having to carry the pots together. people are getting genius and genius everyday :DD

cute, ain't they?

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