as i go through ppl's blog, i realise this few great blogs that somehow to me, very menginsafkan. for how long, i dont know, every single time after my every prayers, without failing, i will have my doa. and by doa i mean, asking what i want from the Almighty God ALLAH. little did i know that i never really thank ALLAH for what He had given to me rather than what He havent. there's so many beautiful things He had given me, and miss-ungrateful-me here is always asking for more, without even saying thank you to ALLAH for the beautiful things that ever happened to me. how awful does that made me feel? really really awful, u have no idea.
everyday, i will go wondering what have i done wrong that ALLAH didnt seem to reply my prayers. well, what do u know, i never appreciate what He have done and still questioning His job. i felt realllly bad for that. i should've know better. if it were for me, i will not give anything to ppl that dont appreciate what i'd gave them or at least, what i'd do for them. KARMA sucks baby! so, be nice to everybody, esp to The Almighty God ALLAH who created u for what u are. im sure, there'll be good return. trust me.
thank u ALLAH for the great family You had given me, the great life, friends and for still caring for me for all these years. and hopefully for the many great years to come. Amin.
ttyl :)
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